Supporting the Movement for Black Lives

The past few weeks have been filled with support for Black lives and racial injustice. There are many ways to participate in this movement. Some are protesting. Some are creating awareness. Some are educating. Some are choosing to spend their money in Black owned establishments. Whatever your role the most important thing is to choose.
There has been a lot of information passes around the Internet, but it can often feel like information overload. I've compiled a list of resources for this fight for racial justice in America.
This video provides some historical information on the economic impact of racism in this country and its connection to looting.
This website provides information regarding a two point plan - one solution for addressing racial inequality and progress - mainly economic viability of the Black community.
The Ally Collection a resource for being an ally
A lift of Do's and Don'ts for How to Ally
Post about The 8 White Identifies
Mental Health
This website shares information about Black Life Matters: Anti-Racism Resources for Social Workers and Therapists
List of tips for Preventing Burnout: Keeping the Movement Alive
44 Black Mental Heath Support Resources for anyone who needs them to survive in this country right now
This is a list of books to educate yourself about anti-racism according to Black women.
10 Books to Read about Race Instead of Asking a Person of Color
Book entitled White Fragility Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Race
Take Action
75 Ways You Can Help in the Black Lives Matter Movement and racial justice
This link is to Black Lives Matter Liberation Resources
Defund 12 A national list of local government officials with an email script to reallocate resources to social services and other community needs
Justice in June a resource providing a starting place for individual truing to become better allies.
Buying Black Owned
One of the most detrimental effects of racism is economic. From this country's founding racism and economic disenfranchisement were linked as slave holders benefited from the free labor of the enslaved. Benefits that have only multiplied with each generation. Buying from Black-owned establishments help circulate money within the Black community and is an important way of addressing the racial economic gap.
Gas Stations
List of Black owned gas stations in U.S.
Lowes Home Improvement store (Black CEO)
Book Stores
In Los Angeles area and others
Southern Girls Bakery in Los Angeles
I Am Apparel for history and education about heroes, revolutionaries, and their untold stories
Business Support, Venture Capitalists, and Investors
Black Owned Businesses and Entrepreneurs Directories